Rock Paper Simple: Behind the Awesome
Are you excited to grow your brand? Then Rock Paper Simple’s Behind the Awesome blog is for you.
With over a decade of experience, our team at the creative branding agency has been crafting and sharing informative marketing and brand positioning tips with a signature quirky flair. As a full-service digital brand agency, our monthly blog posts are a rich source of brand design insights, RPS culture excerpts, event details, and exclusive industry-related info.
Making an Infographic Out of This World
Humans are visual creatures. We organize our thoughts into lists, bullet points, drawings and formats, act them out, or even...
It’s Simple to Migrate to Google Analytics 4 With Rock Paper Simple
Google Analytics is Upgrading in July What Does That Mean for My Website? On July 1, 2023, Google will stop...
Workplace Zombies vs. Team Members
You're trapped inside a large, featureless office building. You're supposed to gather supplies and prepare them for transportation back to...
Slaying Dragons with Video Testimonials
Why do we enjoy shows like The Office and Parks & Recreation so much? They're both hilarious comedies, obviously. But...
How To Write Design-Conscious Web Copy
Professional graphic designers in digital marketing think differently from the mainstream crowd. It’s palpable. You only need to glance at...
6 Advantages of Having a Custom 404 Error Page
Have you ever surfed the internet looking for something, can't find it, and run into a page that says, "Nope....
What is Lorem Ipsum?
When you check out your new website design, digital marketing materials, or other items from your graphic design team, you...
Featured Non-Profit: Children’s Hunger Project
A charitable organization devoted to providing Brevard County Public School children with food packets for the weekends, The Children's Hunger Project...
You Rock Award 2022
Each month, a Rock Paper Simple team member gets the honor of getting the You Rock Award. Selected by the...
Featured Client: All Points
Launched in mid-September, the All Points, LLC website project from Rock Paper Simple accurately conveys them as a leader in technology...
Rock Paper Simple Open House 2022
To celebrate our new Brevard County-based business location, the team at Rock Paper Simple held a public ribbon-cutting ceremony complete...
Terrific Taglines: A Text-Based Odyssey
Does the prospect of tackling truncated text to find phenomenal phraseology seem terribly tiresome? Let’s start by breaking down what a...
How to Control Website Typography Using the CSS Font Editor
One question you may find yourself asking is, "Why does font matter?" Does the way that words appear on your...
Design Richer CSS Gradients
Have you ever created a CSS gradient in your graphic design, or are you unsure of what precisely a CSS...
Support Dark Mode with .SVG Favicons
Design details are a critical element in your website’s performance. With the constant changes in technology and user interface settings,...