

Rock Paper Simple: Behind the Awesome

Are you excited to grow your brand? Then Rock Paper Simple’s Behind the Awesome blog is for you. 

With over a decade of experience, our team at the creative branding agency has been crafting and sharing informative marketing and brand positioning tips with a signature quirky flair. As a full-service digital brand agency, our monthly blog posts are a rich source of brand design insights, RPS culture excerpts, event details, and exclusive industry-related info.

May 12 is Limerick Day, if you’d like to play

By |May 12, 2015|Categories: Culture|Tags: , , , , , |

That’s right: May 12 is Limerick Day, marking the birthday of 19th-century writer Edward Lear, who popularized this form of, uh, poetry in his “Book of Nonsense.” Go ahead. Write a limerick. Leave it in a note for your kid or significant other, or better yet, recite it at the dinner table and see how many rhymes you can find for “pizza.” (Good luck!)

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