Just as there are oodles of noodles to choose from, AI writing tools are numerous and seemingly everywhere. At Rock Paper Simple, we believe enhancing a brand that captivates your audience is about more than making strategic choices and advertising. It needs a personal touch that is critical for building a lasting client bond.

AI can be helpful technology when considering new ideas, but companies don’t want to risk their brand messaging and overall identity by placing it in the hands of technology with limited understanding of language nuance, style, or even humor. This is why human copywriters will continue to excel far beyond the limitations of AI to provide high quality copy that enhances your brand and messaging.

That’s Using Your Noodle: Copywriters Rate AI
Why Use Copywriters?

Why Use Copywriters?

Unlike AI, our in-house team understands the intricacies of brand messaging and can engage readers with creativity and emotion that AI simply cannot replicate. Brand messaging is more important than you may realize.

We used our copywriter colanders to create this guide to unveil the multifaceted world of AI tools, evaluating their utility and discerning whether they can genuinely stand shoulder-to-shoulder with human copywriters.

Like ramen, AI tools have so many flavors and ingredients it’s hard to compare them equally. We decided to take the same human prompt and use multiple AI tools to compare the results.

Prompt by Human Copywriter: I need to write a blog about an invention that can hold a million noodles all at once.

2024’s AI Writing Tools

Best in AI for Brand Writing

Best in AI for Brand Writing: Grammarly Go

Grammarly is the most robust AI tool among all the tools listed here. It serves as a genuine writing assistant, helping to match tone and brand voice and suggesting alternative words and phrases to keep the content engaging and optimal for your audience and web presence.

GrammarlyGO Response: A groundbreaking invention has recently been unveiled that could bring a significant transformation to the noodle industry. This innovative creation boasts an astounding capacity to hold up to one million noodles at once, which could revolutionize production processes and substantially enhance efficiency for noodle manufacturers.

Best in AI for Brand Writing: Grammarly Go

Grammarly is the most robust AI tool among all the tools listed here. It serves as a genuine writing assistant, helping to match tone and brand voice and suggesting alternative words and phrases to keep the content engaging and optimal for your audience and web presence.

GrammarlyGO Response: A groundbreaking invention has recently been unveiled that could bring a significant transformation to the noodle industry. This innovative creation boasts an astounding capacity to hold up to one million noodles at once, which could revolutionize production processes and substantially enhance efficiency for noodle manufacturers.

Real-time grammar checking, style, and optimization suggestions, as well as plagiarism detection.

High accuracy, extensive database, user-friendly interface.

It can be overly diagnostic and may not consider the context of word usage, leading to unnecessary “improvements.”

grammarlyGO Logo

Best for Outline and Optimization: Meclabs AI

Meclabs AI is an advanced tool that offers practical solutions for various marketing needs. It has been developed through over 10,000 experiments and can cater to everything from planning to conversion optimization.

MeclabsAI Response: First, it’s important to clarify the purpose and target audience of your blog. Purpose: Are we focusing on the technological innovation behind this invention or how it can simplify large-scale culinary operations? Target Audience: Is this post intended for culinary enthusiasts, industry professionals, or inventors?

Content optimization using proprietary algorithms.

Highly customized suggestions integration with marketing principles.

Limited access requires specific knowledge to be used effectively. It is mostly suitable for informative and strategic outlining and optimization.

MecLabs AI Logo

Best for Answering Queries: Google Gemini

Gemini, previously known as Bard and developed by Google, is a generative AI chatbot that can answer questions with a conversational tone, similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Google Gemini Response: The Noodleverse: A Million Noodle Dreams Come True! Calling all noodle enthusiasts, carb lovers, and general fans of the outrageous! Prepare to have your minds blown (and your stomachs rumble) because I’m here to introduce you to the Noodleverse, the revolutionary invention that holds a staggering million noodles at once!

Gemini integrates seamlessly with other Google services and tools. It can support multiple languages and is accessible to a global user base.

Gemini handles a wide range of queries precisely because it integrates with Google’s extensive data.

Gemini’s ability to generate creative writing is limited compared to its ability to answer questions factually.

Gemini AI Logo

Needs Improvement in Understanding Brand Guidelines: ChatGPT

ChatGPT has yet to match the human touch in understanding intricate brand guidelines or delivering emotionally resonant content despite its versatility. It could be better at grasping subtler aspects of humor or cultural references that might resonate more deeply with a local audience.

ChatGPT Response: Introducing the Noodle Oasis: A Million Noodles, One Invention! Are you tired of struggling to contain your love for noodles? Do you dream of solutions that can handle the challenge of managing a million noodles at once? Well, dream no more because the future of noodle containment is here!

Creates content that understands context and is easy for anyone to use.

Produces human-like text and is adaptable. Additionally, it creates profiles for whatever you need it to do, so if you need a math tutor, it can make an AI specifically for that function.

Achieving the best results in your writing will require significant guidance and can take a couple of hours to produce the desired outcome.

ChatGPT Logo

Need for Improvement in User Experience: Rytr

Rytr is a basic AI writing assistant for users needing straightforward, templated content. However, more robust tools like Grammarly or Gemini are required.

Rytr Response: The Million Noodle Holder: A Revolutionary Invention for Noodle Lovers Are you tired of constantly misplacing your noodles? Introducing the revolutionary Million Noodle Holder – the ultimate solution for all your noodle-storing needs. That’s right, one million noodles! 

Automated writing tools and template-driven outputs.

Cost-effective, easy-to-use interface.

Manual editing may be required due to limited creativity. The no-cost version has a credit limit, which is severely limiting.

Rytr Logo

Your Brand Deserves the Human Touch

It’s important to remember the delicate balance between innovation and tradition. While AI can be incredibly helpful in boosting productivity, it cannot replace humans’ creative and imaginative drive.

The human touch creates emotional connections and narratives, which are the foundation of genuine relationships that brands work hard to build with their clients. Brands are humanized through this process, and while Artificial Intelligence can be a helpful tool, our copywriters rely on their creativity and expertise to  capture your brand voice.

While AI can be a useful tool to outline ideas, the technology lacks the creativity and nuances that human copywriters bring to their work. Your brand deserves a copywriter who understands the purpose, vision, and personality behind your company and how to bring it to life with words that engage and excite your audience. If you’re depending on AI to write your copy, you may not even know what you’re missing out on. We invite you to come to our office, meet our amazing copywriters, and let them show you how words can be powerful tools to connect with your audience while protecting your brand identity. 

Don’t let AI miscommunicate or weaken your brand’s message – meet with our copywriting team today and see how they can enhance and empower your copy to reach new levels of audience engagement!

Published On: May 16, 2024By