Brevard Public Schools chose Rock Paper Simple to create marketing deliverables to spotlight their stellar nutrition services, as well as their elementary, high, magnet, and virtual schools. Using on-location videography and in-house branding workshops, we dove in deep into what makes BPS so special and then clearly illustrate their uniques.

-Victoria Smith, Lead Videographer, Rock Paper Simple
Office of Food & Nutrition
Brevard Public Schools Branding
Brevard Public Schools (BPS), Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) serves over 21,400 breakfasts and 34,500 lunches daily. During the 2017-18 year, more than 3.7 million breakfasts and 6 million lunches were served to our students. For the past 18 years, FNS has participated in the Provision 2 Breakfast Program, which enables them to provide a no-cost breakfast to all students.
We designed the logo for Brevard County School’s Food and Nutrition Services to appeal to various stakeholders ranging from kids to parents to teachers to administration. Incorporating organic colors with a fun font captured just the right feeling and was based on the brand messaging guidelines we created for them.

Brevard Public Schools Video
Visually showcasing the unique offerings Brevard Public Schools provide, such as STEM, college, and technical education, dedicated staff, and educators was an exciting and fulfilling experience for the entire team at Rock Paper Simple. Our awesome video team used drones and custom animation to create a stellar overview video of these Space Coast learning institutions. Plus, since many of our team members graduated from Brevard County Public Schools, it was a particularly personal experience.
Brevard Public Schools Photos