Keep-it-Simple-StickersToday is the 2014 Space Coast Scavenger Hunt here in Melbourne, Florida benefiting the Brevard Alzeimer’s Foundation, a local senior charity.

We have already had several teams through our office to grab one of our “Keep It Simple” stickers for the scavenger hunt and we are getting to meet cool people, like the ladies with the purple Forget-Me-Not shirts and the family all wearing superhero shirts!

There’s all sorts of fun stuff to look for, places to visit and prices to win like the $1000 they’ve hidden somewhere on the Space Coast, a change to get in on Gatto’s $35,000 cash giveaway, free coffee for a year from Indian River Coffee, free pizza for a year from Marcos Pizza and even free breakfast for a year from Perkins (shoot, if you manage to win all three, you won’t need to spend money on food for a year!). The hunt includes visiting locations, collecting fun items, local trivia and I’ve got teams telling me they are even having them go through obstacle courses! Next year, we should totally have a Rock Paper Simple team!

We will be here at the office until 4:30, so come visit us and we will give you a sticker even if you don’t need one for the scavenger hunt.


Space Coast Scavanger Hunt Facebook Page:

Published On: September 27, 2014By