Rock-Paper-Simple-Goes-BowlingOn October 16th at 4pm, cut out of work a bit early and hangout with the Rock Paper Simple team at Brunswick Harbour Lanes.

If you get rocking and rolling before 5, they have a deal for two hours of bowling at only $10.95 per person… it’s a few dollars more if you come after 5.

We plan to share plenty of laughs and good times… so don’t miss it! When you get there, ask for the Rock Paper Simple crowd.

Remember that we get together every month and we invite our friends, colleagues, clients and the community to join us! Next month we plan to hit the beach (you better believe frisbee and volleyball will be involved)!

Click here to RSVP on Facebook!



Pictures from the last Hangout at Squid Lips:

Rock Paper Simple Hangout Squid Lips3 Rock Paper Simple Hangout Squid Lips6 Rock Paper Simple Hangout Squid Lips2 Rock Paper Simple Hangout Squid Lips5 Rock Paper Simple Hangout Squid Lips Rock Paper Simple Hangout Squid Lips8 Rock Paper Simple Hangout Squid Lips4 Rock Paper Simple Hangout Squid Lips7

Published On: September 14, 2015By